
Post 5: Changes to my Study Programme.

 In my opinion, the first years of study programme have very low interaction betwen students, and zero musical interaction. No orchestras or Choruses, I absolutely think this practices should be essential for the programme. Another thing I think we should change is the massive ammount of years that our careers take. We are stuck in the past! and need to go forward for less and more intense years, focused directly in our future. Also, we need better managment of our times, our courses are barely coordinated in times and we are left with long holes in our shudeles.  

Video 2: A Job I would like to do in the future.


Post 4: Time travel to the Future.

           Someday time travels are going to be possible, and I'm not going to lose them. The Future of this world is in danger, and surely the Future will be a dangerous destinaton, I would actually like to travel 10 years foward and meet my niece Amelia, for that time she'll be 19-20 years old. She is a truly genius of interpersonal relations, for her, talking to new people every day is so easy and I would love to see her in there. I guess it will not be possible to stay, what if my future me see me there? I can't take that risk, as science fiction says, the line of time can collapse for my intentions of travel. Maybe in the future the technologic development will stop because of pollution and lack of resources, civilization will fall in different wars, specially about clean water. Actually, thinking about this, I hope mi niece will scape the war. Definitily our country will be invaded for our resources and she is in great danger.

Post 3: My dream job.

 As I study Contrabass Interpretation, my dream job is to play bass in a good orchestra, but, I dont mind the big profesional orchestras like Sinfonica de Chile or others because they take too much of your time, I'm more atracted to the Regional Orchestras that don't pay equally as the big ones. The main reason of it's the time taken away form you and the places to live in, I would love to live in the south of Chile, there the cost of living is lower than the capital and I could have more time to keep studing, spent time with mi family and friends, enjoy the landscape and make short travels.  Other of my dream job is to play for a famous artist that keep me bussy in gigs, big concerts, and tours around the world, the music should be good to, I think I'm capable of do that work very well and precise. And of course... If I could get a nice property and live of the rent would be amazing, but I dont think thats posible for me in this country.

Video 1: A subject I enjoyed at school.

 The video is a little too long, but the last minute is an extra. ALVARO GODOY VIDEO 1 Thanks for watching!

Post 2. The Best Concert.

 Around 2011 I went to see Red Hoy Chilly Peppers in the Monumental Stadium. It was a special moment, I really liked the band at that moment. I was very young and attended whit my brother. My father were suposed to take us but he suffered appendicitis the night before. The concert went good, we were very far but sounded well enough. My brother really liked the supporting band, sadly, most people treated them in a very bad way, throwing things and pointing their eyes whit lasers. After it, going home was a madness, but we made our way in to the subway and came home.

Post 1. A country I would like to visit.

 Someday I would like to visit Churchill Manitoba, a small town in the north of Canada. It's said that is one of the best places to see the No rth ern L igh ts . Actually, these are the main reason to choose these place , these lights facinate me.    I should travel in summer, when the weather conditions are good enough. During winter minimum temperatures can reach -30° and no visibility of the sky. Because of the weather. I don´t think it´s a good place to live or staying a long time. It's also named "The Polar Bear Capital of the World" a lot of these big animals visit the town since their natural sources of food are missing. They are enourmous! I wouldn't like to see them very close...